Traditionally merchandisers were given a PDF from where merchandisers could learn the basics of a new product or service. Our solution was to create a digital ‘supermarket store’ for each merchandiser to run.
A supermarket manager was on hand to provide tips and advice throughout the game. This was gamification for employees while the merchandiser’s objective was to make as much profit as possible throughout the game. To do this, they had a variety of options that they could tweak and manipulate and some unexpected obstacles and bonuses.
Merchandisers were given a stack of shelves and a selection of products from which they could stock the shelves. From here, they had to start making decisions. Products at eye level sell faster, should they put the most popular products at eye level or the products with the highest profit margin? Would customers look for popular brands, or would they just grab those at eye level?
Players (merchandisers) had to be aware though, as they were competing against their fellow merchandisers who could pop into their supermarket and mess up their shelves. If the stock wasn’t all pulled forward sales would slow and merchandisers who weren’t paying attention could lose out.
As part of the gamification, all players were put on a leader board complete with sales graphs and profit margins while Kraft had detailed access to the backend administration from where they could see the choices that merchandisers made and tailor further training based on their decisions.