
Spread Vodafone’s culture and values to all employees old and new
Gently merge business cultures and ways of working
Retain staff, in particular the newly acquired companies

Target Audience.

All Vodafone Employees old & new


After the success of the initial Mission Digital gamification platform which went on to win 4 Gold Awards, Vodafone wanted a new look to reflect the change in their strategy and implement additional functionality.
Vodafone had recently acquired a number of new companies and wanted to use the Gamification Platform to retain staff by integrating the new employees into Vodafone’s culture and ethos as well as continue educating current employees.

The platform was redesigned and rebuilt with an even stronger focus on mobile. A number of new additions and enhancements were put in place to create new functionality for users such as image galleries and giving admins a much greater overview of how the platform was being used.
A detailed registration form enabled us to have an accurate view of who and where within Vodafone users were coming from.
We improved the Missions which enabled users to earn more XP and Digits, to earn more badges, climb the Leaderboard even faster and ultimately earn more rewards while learning.

vodafone rewards


This is a Gamification Platform that Vodafone have been using for a number of years now. The initial success of the first version was phenomenal with over 60% of Vodafone’s staff registering on the platform and 4 Gold Awards won across Europe.
The new improved version encourages users to learn and grow, in a fun and engaging manner embedding Vodafone’s culture and ethos to both new and old employees. Over 70% of Vodafone’s staff engaged with the platform, with a slightly higher contribution from the newly acquired companies.
Staff retention rate was significantly reduced and Vodafone’s message on their culture was spread across all employees creating a fun, professional