Last year a friend of ours left her job to sign up for three weeks of volunteer work in Haiti with All Hands Volunteers.
Those three weeks became three months, and besides helping to rebuild Haiti after last year’s devastating earthquake, she is also assisting them with their marketing efforts.
They are re-launching their website in April and are desperately looking for free excess ad inventory.
Greg Heasley of Naked Penguin Boy has offered ad space on www.miniball.co.uk, www.viralclip.com & www.casinogeezer.com.
Other volunteers include: MSN, AOL, Lovefilm & Blinkbox.
They will supply their own creatives – If there is any way that you’re able to help, please do so. It’s a fantastic charity currently working in Japan and Haiti.
Please contact:
Jiella Esmat
All Hands Volunteers
Email: Jiella@hands.org
Haiti cell: +509.3482.8605
US cell: +1 617 901 4340