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Freeday Friday!

By 4th February 2008Advertising

Sell!!Sell! in conjunction with Naked Penguin Boy and NPB Media embarked on a global effort to get the 29th of February 2008 recognized as a non-working day; Freeday Friday! The site was hosted online at

As a four-yearly quirk of the Gregorian calendar, the 29th of February doesn’t belong to anyone, and is a “free day” for all and sundry.

The website was built using HTML and Flash, including an embedded video and banners. A theme with accompanying video was written and produced to provide users with the Freeday Friday experience on

Offline, we designed a guerrilla poster campaign using fun, bright design, introducing the logo and concept throughout London, hoping to generate curiosity and encourage visits to the site.

Online PR was carried out by NPB Media. Various journalists were contacted to let them know about the campaign and the website launch.